Hello dear friend, my name is Jane Potapenko,
I am 42 years old, a singer and English teacher. I have been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation for 20 years and have been teaching rehabilitation techniques for a decade.
In February of 2016, I suffered a catastrophic, life-altering event. During an extended yoga class, I felt intense pain and a significant weakness inside both of my knees. Shortly after that, I lost the ability to bend them properly.
Then over five years (from 2016 until 2020), I underwent:
• One successful and six unsuccessful surgeries on the right hip and knee.
• Now my right knee is left injured with uncorrected frontal, back, and lateral instability! The MR-images speak for themselves.
• I have lost my job and working ability completely.
• I have been alone and away from my family for seven years.
• It has been seven years of inability to walk without pain and seven years of relying on other people's good hearts and help.
The current state of my knees:
Right knee: It does not bend correctly after incorrect operations on the ligaments. The lower leg moves back and forth horizontally and rotates freely relative to the thigh bone.
Left knee: I can't put much weight on my left knee. It hurts wildly inside when I put weight on the foot. There is terrible friction inside, crunching, clicking, and crackling noises accompanied by pain, so I have constant pain in the left knee.

The above is an MRI image of my right knee, showing damages done to my knee during the operation. A doctor will clearly understand the situation.
A complete MRI video of my knee from June 2022 is here: https://youtu.be/NzBCL4Gl0A0.
At this stage, the doctors realize they cannot repair my knees' ligaments and menisci as they have no donor materials. Therefore, they offered to remove parts of my knee bones and set endoprosthesis on both knees.
A Hope in South Korea
So after seven long and painful years with six failed surgeries, I naturally have no faith in the public health system. I have decided to take a final initiative to rescue my knees via operations at the Sarang Plus Hospital in Seoul, South Korea. (They know how to do it and are ready to help me with this)

Depicted above is the progression of typical knee damage. When a simple ligament injury is not resolved, the resultant joint instability can progress to the complete breakdown of the articular cartilage and the joint. (This has happened to me, and I am getting my knees destroyed more and more as time goes by.)
The cost for these operations is estimated to be USD 67000, and I hope to do them as soon as possible. So far, I have collected USD 6000 from my friends. (Then, rehabilitation costs are not small either, but that's a story for another day :-) ).
Please, if you can, donate and help me save my knees. This campaign is a call for urgent help. I need to fix this now because my condition is deteriorating day by day and soon it will be too late.
I understand if you cannot give, but please consider sharing my story with your friends, thanks! :-). (Encouraging words of support are also much appreciated)
With gratitude and love,
Jane Potapenko